The Internet! Let me explain...
23 years ago, when I became a single mother to a five-year-old and a two-year-old, there was no such thing as the Internet…I could not go to "cyberspace" (yes, that's what we used to call it!) to get help and advice raising my children. Fortunately, I belonged to a fabulous post natal group that I found after my first was born, BUT there were no single parents in it. I did find strength talking to other parents who were experiencing a similar situation, but there were not many of us around!
I wish I could go back to my 34-year-old self, and say that it's going be OK—in fact, it's better than OK!
Now that I am a parent of two adults, I am finding the truth in the phrase "once you are a mom, you are always a mom". When my oldest left the nest and went away to school… that is when I found strength in the Internet —thank goodness for FaceTime! I don't know how my mom survived when I went away to school. There were a few letters and maybe a couple long distance phone calls to send money!
I also turned to the Internet when my younger child came to me with a life-changing situation. I found a support group for parents going through a similar situation. They are from all over the world and we are sharing our stories, and it's incredible!
And then there is Instagram. Sometimes I tell my kids the only way this empty nester knows her babies are alive is by their posts on social media! And please remember to text poor lonely old mum sometimes!
Ladies—you will get yourself back. I wouldn't trade my experiences as a mother for
anything, and I am so proud of who my babies have grown to be—but I also am growing myself. At 56 not having to pack diaper bags, make lunches or drive to soccer practice, I have some 'Me' time. And it's still the internet that gives me the strength!!
By the way...Clare is a local artist. She has published several books that feature her photography, as well as a Steveston Colouring Book.